Building a School in Uganda

Building a School in Uganda

Inspired by a small group of friends and their plans to re-build a secondary school in Northern Uganda, our family made a trip to Lira, Uganda, this summer. Our oldest daughter, with long university holidays, travelled to Keframa High School first to teach English. We followed a month later and got to meet the wonderful family who set up and run the school. We also got to know some of the students there while taking classes and generally helping out where we could.

The opportunity that secondary education affords these young people should not be underestimated. The dedicated and committed teaching staff do an amazing job with exceptionally limited resources, but it is the students themselves that cannot fail to impress. Time and time again we heard of the incredibly harsh situations some students faced and yet here they were, focused and studying hard, determined to give something back to their families and communities, and to be ‘agents for change’.

Life has been incredibly hard in this part of the world due to war and disease. The Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA), a terrorist group, ran rampant through this region taking lives and capturing children as soldiers or sex objects. These communities, of which Keframa is a part, have suffered much and need to be given a chance to rebuild their lives.

In the past two years nearby land has been purchased and a partnership formed between the school and Fields of Life to deliver brand new school buildings. Our family came home determined to stand with our exceptional new friends and get involved in fundraising for the school build.

We launched the ‘Keframa School Build’ on a sunny afternoon in September and were able to share our plans and some of the Keframa story with 130 people over lunch. Our friends and guests were encouraged to become a ‘friend of Keframa’ by hosting or helping to raise awareness and funds to build the school.


– Sarah Hall


This post was originally an short article written by Sarah for Fields of Life, and may be found here.

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