
Education, hope and a future.

Three things every Ugandan child wants.

Three things Keframa School Build seek to provide.


We aim to build a secondary school for 500 young people in northern Uganda.

DSC_0086-minWe are excited about improving the lives of the young people at Keframa High school. It is a special place which has been founded by an inspirational family, the Kezzy family. This remarkable bunch of people have faced life in a warzone and struggled in abject poverty to make ends meet, yet their desire to establish a place of education for the least and the vulnerable in society is extraordinary.

The school has been operational since 2011. It has approximately 220 students and lessons take place in ramshackle buildings and with what can be cobbled together. Despite the basic facilities the students are happy to be given the opportunity to study and be part of the Keframa family.

Everyone makes sacrifices at Keframa for the sake of keeping the school going. The staff sometimes will not take their salary if money is not available and it means that there’s not enough food for the school- it’s incredible that the school remains open and that students are attaining such good results in these circumstances.


Secondary education is highly valued

It is fairly easy in Uganda to attend primary level education but the means for secondary are often hard to come by. The chaDSC_0051-minnce afforded to individuals to gain O levels should not be underestimated, as with these qualifications students can then attend institutions for further learning, such as Agriculture, nursing, mechanics, business etc. (Read Agoro Christ story – coming soon…)





Every child’s potential is seen

Students are recommended for study by church and community leaders, if potential is seen in an individual means are made to give them an education. Most recently, Jimmy Francis, a director at Keframa, travelled to a remote region of Uganda (Karamoja which is 3hours travel by car) for a meeting and happened to meet 3 bright boys who’d finished primary but had no way of affording secondary level or sadly the support from family members to even try for secondary.   three boys were picked up who had completed primary school but had no means or even the encouragement from their own family to carry on studying. They are now thriving at Keframa (Read their stories – coming soon…)


