Spring Ball 2017 – Inspirational, fabulous, successful!

Spring Ball 2017 – Inspirational, fabulous, successful!

“Who would give an Irish man a mic at 10pm on St Patrick’s Day?!”

Well, we did! In the ballroom of the Hilton hotel, Bath, we gave a mic to Richard Spratt the CEO of Fields of Life. He spoke of the changed lives he has witnessed in Uganda. The changed lives of young people benefitting from the wonderful work of Fields of Life. The changed lives that will come once Keframa High School is built. And he shared stories of young men and women so transformed and thankful for their chance of education from FoL that they are now raising money for the very projects that gave them the opportunity to study. Inspirational stuff!

It inspired many to not only enjoy a fabulous evening of fine foods and wine laid on at the Hilton but also to take an active part in bidding in the auction, purchasing raffle tickets and selecting items from the ‘gift tree” amongst other things…(not forgetting the serious action on the dance floor by some!)

Huge thanks to Tom and Sarah Hall for ensuring a rapid sell out of tickets and packed fun evening together. And of course a big thank you to many of you for coming and making a difference by supporting this event.


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