Grand Opening
Grand Opening
Way back in March 2019 the building work for phase one of the Keframa School Build project was completed. A grand opening ceremony was planned and a group from the charity travelled to Barr to share in the celebrations.
Marquees were erected in the school grounds and the Police Band led the school students on to the site.
An array of influential people included two bishops Charles, who had been involved at the beginning and was part of the team who adopted Keframa into the Diocese family of schools.
Alfred, the current incumbent who provides oversight on the running of the school through his education department.
The Deputy Minister for Education travelled from Kampala for the occasion.
We had speeches of encouragement and blessing from the management, the Diocese, the build project manager, the charity and then the school was handed over to the Bishop
The school was officially opened when the ribbon was cut by the Deputy Minister for Education.
Interspersed with the serious speeches we had entertainment from traditional dancers from UCI School of Nursing, an acrobat, various dancers
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